499 Phatthanakan 58, Suan Luang, Bangkok 10250 + 02-722-7970 Ext.139 eptriampat@gmail.com

Unforgettable Moments of Culture and Passion with Brighton Football Club

The students had an incredible time during their visit to the UK, with a particular highlight being their experience at the Brighton Football Club. Throughout their trip, they were captivated by the warm and welcoming atmosphere that permeated both the country and the football club.

Engaging in various extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, and drama, they formed lasting connections and relished moments of pure joy. The Brighton Football Club, in particular, left an indelible mark on their hearts, representing the epitome of dedication and passion.

As they reflect on their overall UK experience, a deep appreciation for the country's culture and commitment to education emerges. From the vibrant city of Brighton to the inclusive and energetic environment of the football club, the students returned home with treasured memories and a profound understanding of the power of both education and the arts in shaping communities.

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